Workshop - Overlays.
This has been a one day workshop based at the Ruthin Craft Centre.
It was a small workshop aimed at intermediate to advance level Artist. Feeling a little out of my depth, I dived into the project not really knowing what I would create, but just happy to be with other budding/professional Artist and maybe gain a better insight into my own personal practice.
The primary focus was on the exploration of the physical and conceptual layering of information. We needed to create a personal 2 dimensional, laminate of imagery and to incorporate tensioned layers of cloth, collage, stitch, paint and mixed media. The idea was to cut back into the layers to reveal unexpected configurations.
I had a collection of old European and African bank notes which were now out of print, I used these which were stitched into layers of cloth. I liked the idea of using text from an old book, to add on to the bank notes, which had a relevant meaning to the country from where they originated. Putting the notes between layers of translucent fabric Although I am not thrilled with the outcome, the workshop has made me think about hidden layers and the concept of hidden messages. When discussing my ideas with Michael, he said I should continue to pursue the work that I did in Level 4 with stitched Morse code.
Below Photos of the group and outcome
Materials |
Bank notes stitched into fabric |
Finished Piece |
Michael and the rest of the group |